About Me
As an Archetypal Therapist, I've been trained and practice in the lineage of James Hillman, Rafael Lopez Pedraza, Patricia Berry, Thomas Moore, Nor Hall--and many others--who followed and expanded upon the pioneering work in depth psychology by C.G. Jung and Sigmund Freud. As a Mythologist, I am educated by the myths and old stories that have been remembered and retold across cultures and lands for thousands of years.
My training took a twisting, unconventional path, drawing in closely to older traditions from East and West; from alchemical and shamanic studies, to mythology, art history and poetics from Greece, India, and beyond; yet always remaining close to the lineage and its roots - that is, depth psychology and archetypal philosophy - and continuing to do the work of thinking them through, putting the ideas into practice, and dreaming them forward.
I currently cultivate a therapy practice with patients globally, online and in-person, alongside writing, and consultative marketing & business dev projects in the startup and corporate worlds. My home-base is in Santa Cruz, CA where I live with my husband and our two young daughters. We spend part of the year, whenever possible, exploring the wild beauty and spending time with family in South Africa, and paying visits to our favorite places in Europe.
Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2021-2023
Master of Arts in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology
Tamboo Academy 2017- present
Master's level studies in Archetypal Psychology & Philosophy, with an emphasis in somatic work; Ongoing Therapeia and Practitioner study
University of California at San Diego 2002-2006
B.S. in Management Science, with a minor in Cognitive Science

My Approach
This approach to archetypal therapy follows the original meaning of psychotherapy, that is, "care of the soul." We work together, through deep and playful conversations, to attend to images as they arrive in our lives--in dreams, dayworld happenings, illnesses & pathologies, and through creative inspirations.
The focus is on deepening into what we are, expanding our capacity for thinking and working with ideas, and honing our skills as writers who can rewrite, with great humor and skill, the stories that we tell about ourselves and our lives.
This way of working is fun, profoundly nourishing, demanding, and it cultivates a vital sense of compassion for oneself, others, and the world.